Soccermatics for Python Series

my version of this popular tutorial

I am an sports aficionado and since I discover the field of sports analytics I want it to learn as much as I can about it. This project is under construction and currently I will start adding a new thoughts and notebooks related to it.

In this project, I am following the videos/lectures from this Mathematical Modelling of Football from David Sumpter, author of Soccermatics.

My idea is to learn from the series the “state-of-the-art” in football analytics, and from there start my playing with that data. I recommend to watch all the videos in the lectures and/or also watch the videos in the Friends-of-Tracking youtube channel.


First, I am trying to replicate all the SoccermaticsForPython exercises from the Friends of Tracking folks. My Kaggle notebooks are here:

  1. Load Football Data
  2. Plot shots and passes
  3. xG Model
  4. Linear Regression
  5. xG Model Fit
  6. Measures Of Fit
  7. Pass heatmap
  8. Pass Compare
  9. Shot Times
  10. Goals per game
  11. Simulate Matches

I am also trying to make the assignments from the class. Here are the links to the Kaggle notebooks:

  1. Assigment 1: I choose to analyze the performance of Antoine Griezmann during the 2018 Men’s World Cup.